martes, 12 de diciembre de 2006


Los dinosaurios siempre han jugado un papel muy importante a lo largo de nuestra historia. No hay un niñ@ que no se sienta atraído por ellos. Así pues, este proyecto va a servir para acercarnos un poco más a esos grandes, y no tan grandes, animales por los que todo el mundo siente admiración. Los hay carnívoros y hervíboros, anfibios, voladores... En griego la palabra dinosaurio significa "terrible lagarto". Los dinosaurios desarrollaron muchas especies diferentes con gran rapidez. Así hay varios cientos de especies que se clasifican en 350 géneros y dos órdenes: Saurischia y Ornitischia. Estos dos órdenes se distinguen entre sí por la constitución de los huesos de la pelvis. La pelvis de los Saurischia se parece a la de los lagartos; la de los Ornitischia a la de los pájaros. Sin más dilación vamos a adentrarnos en la siguiente tarea.

In these days, dinosaurs play a very important role in our society. There are many scientists who are looking for the real cause of their extinction. The aim of this essay is to approach us to dinosaurs. Firstly, in groups of three or four, you have to elaborate a Word document and a PowerPoint presentation for your colleagues in class, in which you have to point out all the relevant information you wil be able to find. The information should be easy-reading for all of you.

First of all, each member of the group should have a clear objective. Then you can gather all the information. This could be done in the following way:

  1. what is a dinosaur?
  2. the evolution of dinosaurs
  3. dinosaurs and birds
  4. what is extinciton?
  5. the Alvarez Asteroid Theory
  6. what is a fossil? how are they formed? what types are there?
  7. in which period did dinosaurs live?

la ruta de los dinosaurios
cuando vivieron
database of dinosaurs
all about dinosaurs
prehistoric life
zoom dinosaurs

As you have to write everything in English, as well as making an oral presentation, the four skills of the language will be covered. The attention will be focuses on grammar and ortography; maps and photographies used; argument and contents.

Once the essays will be finished, there will be a debate in class, where everybody should take part in. I hope you have learned something else about dinosaurs and that some of you will follow investigating in this amazing world.

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